We went to the zoo Monday. Astrid and Sigrid had a blast. Ingrid somewhat enjoyed herself. Her daddy took her to the Mall for about an hour before we came home. She was happy.
It is becoming HOT!! The girls are spending more time inside. Eric hooked up the sprinkler for them yesterday afternoon and they had a blast. Summer is almost gone and back to school we will go.
Well our company is gone. It is bittersweet. We are glad to have our house back to ourselves but wish we could have had them here with us longer. The girls had a blast with their little grandma Merle. She is a blessing to us and I know the girls are a blessing to her.
Astrid loves horses. One of her first words was "hep" which was her word for horse. Her other first word was "Ga" for grandpa. She has a good Gigi who is paying the little girl up the lane to teach her how to care and ride her pony Marshmellow .