Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Oh My Stars

Yall have heard about Ingrid's wonderful performance from Gigi....Well now it is Astrid. She won 1st place in the art contest at school. Her picture was titiled Herd of Horses. Ingrid performs and Astrid draws. I threw in a picture of Siggie just for heck. She has dressed her self and her skirt is on backwards and her shoes are on the wrong feet I am sure....they always are when she does it herself.


Anonymous said...

Sigi'S A STAR 2. In my heart they are all shiners.


Galla Creek said...

Siggie knows what she wants and how she wants it done....backwards!

Astrid got her art talent from her other grandmother.

Ingrid is a star for sure. She was a smart donkey.

Sister--Fleta said...

Astrid paints beautiful pictures. And she is beautiful.

Siggy may be in for a hard life. She has an aunt that was always putting her shoes on the wrong feet and even today that aunt has trouble with left and right.

What I (I mean unknown auntie) learned to do, was set the shoes down on the floor side by side before I put them on. With them sitting on the floor side by side, it is easy to see if you have them sitting the wrong way. The toes point out, but with only one shoe, I could never tell which was which.