Sunday, July 13, 2008

This was on my pillow this morning.....

I am going to type this just as it reads

Dear Mom and Dad,
I would like to tell you something you make me fill like a maid because you make me do some of these things, get the phone, put a trash bag in the trash, put up the dishes, pluge in the internet in, and fold laundry.

Love you smart dauter,

As Erin said to me when I read it to her "if she's the maid what does that make you?"


Erin said...

this sounds like something i would have left on mom's pillow. i love it. you should keep it and give it to her when she has kids.

Sister--Helen said...

there you go Mother....don't make that girl do so much...

Galla Creek said...

Pop said just like HElen...poor child...worked to death!

Anonymous said...

I don't about the first few things whether they are right or not. but I do no this She is SMART and She is BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE HER.

P.S.Oh did forget to say She has a special place inside my heart.


Favorite Daughter said...

I foresee a letter like this in my future.