Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pictures for Gigi

the top picture is Sjur, Marta and their children Andy, Ollie, and Tena. The next picture is Eric, girls, and his Aunt Margot. Next is James Christenson's navy pic(I have one that is not blurybut clicked the wrong one) and under that is Grandma Merle. The last one is Andy, Ollie and Tena again.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

There is nothing better than knowing about your past. I think it is easy to go forward into a bright future when you can see your past...even the past way before you ever existed. I can tell the Fedje's were not poor folk. I really enjoyed seeing these. Merle is such a pretty young lady.
Thanks for posting them. I know what Margo thought when she saw my girls--she thought "precious/beautiful" :-)!