Saturday, August 21, 2010

First day of School

I took pictures of the sleeping girls before I woke them. Ingrid started out in an outfit with white shorts but spilled her orange juice on them then Siggie had on an adorable lemonade outfit but when I was out of the kitchen her older sister convinced her to snort orange juice up her nose which also then sprayed all over her first day outfit. So I will have to take pictures this week of the outfits that were supposed to be for the first day so Helen can see them.
We followed tradition and had homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast the first day.
Sigrid is loving kindergarten she is amazed there is a "drive thru" her name for the cafeteria line. She also says all the girls at her school are pink and purple girls but she is a blue and green girl so she doesn't fit in with them well. She has a boy named Cade Powell in her room and I suggested she try being friends with him. She has had too many stories to post.


Galla Creek said...

First day and first week are gone now we go onward and upward! They all look good in the outfits they picked.

Galla Creek said...

Notice Ingrid's bed...once belonged to Daddy, then me, then Laura, now Ingrid Elizabeth.