Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Eric

Here are Eric's birthday cakes and pictures of him with two of his girls. I couldn't find a picture of him with Sigrid. I can't believe I don't have one of her with him....she cries and cries when he goes to work in the morning and her favorite word is Daddy. He is a marvelous Dad and an even better husband. I hope he has a happy day.


Galla Creek said...

And he is a good son-in-law.

patsy said...

cake looks good can't i have some cake?

Erin said...

i've got a picture of him with siggy. i'll sell it to ya ;)

Sunshine said...

Yes Patsy we will share the cake.

Erin I want to see the picture. Is the pool open?

patsy said...

laura, i use what ever i have on hand for chips. this time it was fritos. have used tortia pattys and cut the up in small pieces.

Erin said...

Aren't you home for a few months ?? I expect at least one more post before the big vacation. Come on -- don't make me beg.