Saturday, April 01, 2006

Mother is making me do this

I don't know what I am suppose to write here.
I am very busy. Two girls are at soccer this morning.
The third one is cutting 4 teeth....two of which are
her first molars. And I am going for a peaceful walk
with my daddy.


patsy said...

sunshine over my shoulder.

Sunshine said...

Well the baby is asleep now and maybe I can think of something to write. The girls did well at soccer their daddy said. Pop and I had a nice walk...we don't talk much but it is nice just being with him.

patsy said...

your father gained my respect when i saw how much his daughters love him. I am sure you don't talk much because larry is a man with few words

Erin said...

we could never love him as much as he loves us. and like our heavenly father it is an unconditional love. my greatest joys in life is to have my dad give me a hug -- which he loves to do. it's like being in the comfort of heaven. i know i am safe and my troubles in this world are all gone. he is the greatest man i will ever know. i could definately use a hug now.

Sister--Helen said...

Well I guess Larry will have to take a long, curvy, make you car sick, drive this afternoon when he reads #3's post!